A Place for Be In Christ Pastors
The Be in Christ church has a long and storied history, a history that includes many who have served the church as pastors. As a pastor with the Be In Christ Church of Canada, this website has been created as a place for you. It has been created to set before you a vision that we call ‘The Pastoral Way.’ It is our vision and prayer that The Pastoral Way will inspire you as you pursue your God-given calling and as you journey together with fellow sisters and brothers in the work of God’s kingdom. Our shared vision of what it means to follow Jesus unites us and has an important place in the future of the church in Canada.
It is understood that the perception of the local church pastor, like the church itself, is increasingly marginalized within our society. Therefore, we believe that connection and camaraderie among our leaders, especially our pastors, will be vital for longevity and spiritual victory in light of the challenges we face. The stakes are high, our enemy is engaged, society has embraced skepticism of the church, and fewer individuals feel called to the ministry. It is important that we strengthen ourselves for the work God has called us to do by moving forward together.
The Pastoral Way challenges each of us to uphold our calling, rebuild trust within our communities, add dignity and excellence to our vocation and live in congruence with the long tradition that continues to counsel us. As well, this vision seeks to identify the pastoral and practical principles required to effectively navigate the complexities of modern leadership in our post-Christian world in Canada. Along with this vision, the Pastoral Way website seeks to be practical. At this site you will find many resources for the challenging work of leading a local church. This website is for you, it has been created to help you in your role as a pastor in the Anabaptist tradition.
The Pastoral Way envisions our long-held values being lived out through the following personal activities: the practices of love, the skills of leadership, and the habits of learning, as described in fuller detail at best practices. Please read the best practices and consider it to be a guiding vision to protect the integrity of your ministry. But, more importantly, The Pastoral Way describes who we want to be and with God’s help each of us will be that kind of person.
To God be the glory.